Sunday, February 17, 2013


Greetings from a cold (14, 0 with windchill) and snowy Marathon,

We've been up to some things since our last post. Here's a short update to keep everyone informed on the goings-on of Two Spruce and Northland:

1)  We now have a CSA. Hit us up at the NOFA Binghamton CSA Fair on March 16th, and possibly at the NOFA Syracuse CSA Fair on March 9th. We're looking at a 16-week program, more details to follow. Email if you're already interested.
2) We now have an email address (, if you didn't catch that). I think we have 2 messages in our inbox. My inbox hasn't been that empty since I created in fifth grade. So send us some emails already.
3) We now have business cards! Thanks to megan for the idea. 
4) We now have library cards! 
5) We are now really good at making bread. The mystery of bread is over permanently. Thanks to Maryrose  and also Kara & Ryan of Evening Song Farm for turning us on to this concept. Don't click that link if you don't want to have delicious bread for the rest of your life with like no effort. 
6) We are totally going to build a high tunnel, 50' by 12' or something like that. We're currently weighing the pros and cons of a couple designs, if anyone has seen a Hanley-style high tunnel in action or has any thoughts before we dive into building this thing, let us know. 
7) I think we can now consider ourselves beginner/ novice teamsters (whereas before we couldn't consider ourselves any kind of teamsters)
8) Relatedly, the colloquialism "hold your horses" has taken on an entirely new and serious meaning for us. Just ask Lee how easy that actually is:

(It's not, regardless of what Lee is saying. What does she know anyway, she's a mule.)